The Mistra Environmental Communication Research Programme Component at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism (ICSJ)


Anke Fischer & Eva Friman (Mistra-EC Programme Managers)
“Just back from the final consortium meeting of Mistra-EC 
Phase 1, which we organised at Färgfabriken so that all programme participants could experience the WP5 exhibition ‘Moulding Nature’. It was fantastic to feel the energy in the room, engage with the very diverse outputs of WP5 and the overall programme – from participatory arts to film to scientific papers and maps – and try to look across and learn from the synthesis.”
Kirill Filimonov (Researcher)
“The extent of highly socially, politically and philosophically relevant topics covered by Mistra-EC is spectacular. At its core, there has been a concern about enhancing the audibility of traditionally underprivileged voices — both metaphorically and literally. I’m proud that we managed to include a discussion on climate change coverage by mass media, as well as representation of Indigenous people into my short four months on the project. Even though my work was fully remote in the middle of the pandemic, the warmth of the team spirit was felt at every step of our collaboration.”
Daniel Urey (Process Manager, Färgfabriken)
"Before we have been cooperating with academics, and there have been good collaborations, but very much like a bilateral one: without much interaction, infiltration, or embedding each other's competence into each other's working context or disciplines. I think, in many years, this was the first time in our collaborations with the WP5 team, that we have achieved to move towards that. Here, you have different actors -academics, artists and other participants- start entering into the curatorial space, and we enter into their space, exposing, talking, deconstructing, and then putting all together…”
Ylva Hillström (Curator, Moderna Museet)
“Being a societal partner in the Mistra-EC programme has provided Moderna Museet with amazing opportunities to explore how the museum, and indeed all museums, can take an active role in the transition to a sustainable future. In close collaboration with Mistra-EC researchers, we have arranged both a digital symposium and an in-depth workshop series for museum professionals. As a result of the latter, we created a toolbox for museums in times of climate emergency. Furthermore, we are in the middle of a collaboration involving young people in the museum. Our participation in Mistra-EC has provided us with new insights, inspiration, and not least, connections to a wonderful network of both researchers and practitioners.
Orestis Tringides (Programmer, Environmental Ideologies Map website)
“I found the content and underlying research that was put on the website quite fascinating, in terms of connecting important philosophical and societal notions, into an easy-to-read picture, offering the viewer a global understanding for our world today. The teamwork was excellent, and we overcame the obstacles towards delivering the map on the website. We surpassed ourselves in achieving that.”