Mediating Change, Changing Media: Special Issue Launch Party!
Photo credits: Jacek Mikucki
CEJC Special Issue on Mediating Change, Changing Media brings together studies on various types of media and communication practices (e.g., public service media, newspapers, social media, music, photography, poetry, and so on), and subjects of investigation (e.g., climate change, pandemics, homelessness, social protests and activism), with an international perspective – including studies situated in Europe (Czech Republic, Poland, Sweden, the Netherlands), Africa (Egypt) and Asia (Lebanon, China, Indonesia). These studies on change comprise a diversity of methodologies (e.g., semi-structured interviews, arts-based research, interventions, content analysis-quantitative and qualitative) and theoretical premises (embedded, e.g., in discourse studies, critical theory, journalism studies, participatory theory, alternative media studies).
The publication was supported by Mistra Environmental Communication research program and by the 4EU+ European University Alliance.