The Mistra Environmental Communication Research Programme Component at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism (ICSJ)

Wolf Talks in Uppsala, Sweden

The Wolf Talks exhibition is coming to Uppsala, Sweden, during October 24-November 5, 2022. A first version of this exhibition was part of the 2021 Fotograf Festival in Prague, Czech Republic, with the 12 photographs displayed in 12 different locations. In October 2021, the exhibition was on display at the Hollar Gallery, also in Prague. Next, Wolf Talks was displayed at the University of Okara and the University of Punjab in Pakistan in February, 2022.

Exhibition website:

More about Wolf Talks: The Wolf Talks exhibition is an arts-based research project, created by Nico Carpentier, that combines photography and sound art to analyse and rethink the power dynamics of the discursive-material relationships between human and non-human animals. The series of 12 photographs combines wolf portraits, cat-face filters and super-imposed theoretical questions. Deeply conscious of all contradictions related to humans speaking on behalf of animals, this exhibition experiments with a lupocentric position to induce empathy and respect.

To view the different exhibition spots for Wolf Talks in Uppsala, click on the map

Collaboration / Support: The Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at Charles University in Prague, SQRIDGE, and Fotograf Festival.

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